Street art, islands, and mountains bring travellers flocking to Malaysia. Located in Southeast Asia, Malaysia consists of two separate regions. Peninsular Malaysia (or West Malaysia) is attached to mainland Southeast Asia, bordered by Singapore and Thailand; while East Malaysia is located on the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and Brunei, and sharing a maritime border with Vietnam. Consisting of 13 states and 3 federal territories, Malaysia has an estimated population of around 32 million people, with about 76% of the population living in urban areas. The terrain is similar between both regions of Malaysia, going from coastal plains to hills and mountains. Being located near the equator, Malaysia has a tropical monsoon climate. The weather consists of two main monsoon seasons: a southwest monsoon between April and September, and a northeast monsoon from October to March.

If you’re looking to visit, there is a decent split between the east-west weather based on the direction of the monsoons. The west side is driest between December and April, while the east side is driest between April and October. If you are looking to visit Borneo, your best bet is between March and October.


The following are a list of recommended vaccines from the CDC. However, it is always recommended that you check with your primary care physician to meet your specific needs and ensure you are up-to-date on routine vaccinations before you travel.


Hepatitis A: can be transmitted through contaminated food or water.


Hepatitis B: transmitted through sexual contact, blood products, or contaminated needles.


Typhoid: can be transmitted through contaminated food or water.


Japanese Encephalitis: transmitted by mosquitoes, this vaccine is recommended based on when or where in Malaysia you are travelling, and for how long. It is recommended if you are in Malaysia for over a month, engaging in outdoor activities, or if you are visiting rural areas. Discuss your travel plans with your physician to determine if you need it. Note: this vaccine can be expensive! If this is a barrier, read about how to get it cheaper here.


Rabies: transmitted through infected animals, such as dogs or bats. The risk is low in Malaysia, however the vaccine is recommended for longer term travellers, travellers doing outdoor activities or working with animals, and children.


Yellow Fever: there is currently no risk for yellow fever in Malaysia, however the government does require you to have proof of the vaccine if you are coming from an area where yellow fever risk exists.


The following are a list of preventable disease that currently do not have vaccines available.


Malaria:transmitted by mosquitoes, particularly night time biting mosquitoes, Malaria risk areas exist in Malaysia, particularly in rural areas. Travellers should avoid mosquito bites, utilize appropriate bug spray, and consider sleeping with a personal mosquito net to reduce exposure risk. Preventative antimalarial medications are recommended, however specifics should be discussed with your primary care physician.


Zika: transmitted by mosquitoes, care should be taken to avoid getting bitten. Zika can cause serious birth defects, therefore pregnant woman or those planning to get pregnant should not travel to Malaysia.


Chikungunya: transmitted by both day and night biting mosquitoes, care should be taken to avoid getting bitten.


Dengue: transmitted by mosquitoes and tends to have a higher risk in urban and residential areas than other mosquito borne diseases. Care should be taken to avoid getting bitten.


Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease: transmitted through contact with saliva or feces. People to people transmission can occur through contact with unwashed hands or surfaces. Appropriate hand hygiene should be performed and care should be taken to avoid contaminated surfaces.


H5N1 Avian Influenza: commonly known as the bird flu, transmission to humans tends to be from contact with infected birds. No human cases have been reported in Malaysia at this time, however some have been reported in poultry.


Having a tropical climate and monsoon seasons, Malaysia is often prone to heavy rains and flooding. Travellers should bring appropriate rain gear and wear appropriate footwear. The sun can also be very hot and raises concern for heat stroke and dehydration. So remember to drink plenty of water and wear protective clothing during the day and sunscreen with at least 15 SPF with both UVA and UVB protection. If you plan on doing any hiking or visiting higher elevations, bring appropriate footwear and a warm jacket as temperatures can be cooler (particularly at night). Malaysia is also known for having a high level of biodiversity both on land and at sea, and is home to some unique species - including the largest flower in the world! Respect the local wildlife and environment by utilizing a hands-off approach during your travels.


Can I drink the water? It is generally not recommended to drink the water in Malaysia. Consider buying bottled water or utilizing a method to treat water before drinking it. Use caution with fruits or vegetables washed in tap water.

Is it wheelchair accessible? Wheelchair accessibility is limited. Public transport in cities tends to do well with accessibility, however sidewalks and roads are not very wheelchair friendly.

How do I best avoid mosquito bites? It is recommended that you wear repellant with at least 30% DEET, wear clothes treated with permethrin, utilize a bed net, and stay in accommodation with screened windows. To avoid bites it is best to stay inside during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes carrying malaria are most active, and wear long clothes to limit exposed skin.

What medications should I bring? Bring any prescribed medications with you. Malaysia tends to have well equipped medical facilities and well trained physicians, however they have to reciprocal agreements with other countries, so tourists will need to visit private physicians and hospitals. Due to this, it is highly recommended that you travel with travel health insurance. It is also recommended to travel with a small medical kit, and a healthy travel packing list can be found here.

Important Numbers:

Police/ Ambulance: 999 (112 from international phones)
Fire: 994
Civil Defense/ Accidents & Natural Disasters: 991
St. John’s Ambulance: 03-9285-1576
Malaysia country code: +60

Hear from a local

Read what locals have to say about health in their country here.

*The content above is for informational purposes only and reflects my own personal opinion and experiences. Other sources for information utilized in creating this content include the CDC, WHO, and Yellow Book. Please refer to your attending physician for all health advice

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