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Meet Shahaada

Age: 25 

Country: Maldives

Profession: Manager/ Airbnb Host

Survey Responses

How would you define health?

Health are all the aspects related to the human body and its maintenance.

Are there any health practices unique to your country?

There are some traditional medicinal practices, somewhat similar to Indian Ayurvedic ones.

How does your healthcare system work?

We have free healthcare access of up to around 100k per year.

Are you satisfied with your healthcare system?


If not, why?

There are still lots of area where healthcare is not accessible.

Do you have health insurance? If so, what does it cover?

Covers basic procedures and doctor fees.

Is healthcare easily accessible? What barriers to access exist?

Some barriers include specialized services and check ups.

What health problems are prevalent in your country?

Lots of patients who doesn't have access to types of surgery and there are a lot of thalassemia patients.

Is it common for people to seek healthcare outside the country?


In regards to health, where do you feel your country excels? What needs improvement?

Excels at some basic medicine such as quick check ups, etc
needs improvement in quite a lot of areas of specialized service.

If you could change something about health in your country, what would you change?

Easier access to healthcare for everyone.

Is there anything else you would like to say regarding health in your country?


People Define Health

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